Know Terms to Compare Card Offers
All credit cards come with a collection of terms. These are the rules for using the card. The terms must be reveal in the card application brochure; they're also on the back of every statement.
Some of the most important terms you should be aware of are the interest rate (which is charged or paid for the use of money), annual percentage rate (APR), due date, grace period (the interest-free period of time between when you make a purchase and when you pay for it), cash advance rates, transaction fees, the late fee, the over-the-limit fee and other charges.
Always read the card terms carefully before you apply.
Focus which credit terms and conditions is the best for You, this can add up to very respectable savings over a period of time.
All credit cards come with a collection of terms. These are the rules for using the card. The terms must be reveal in the card application brochure; they're also on the back of every statement.
Some of the most important terms you should be aware of are the interest rate (which is charged or paid for the use of money), annual percentage rate (APR), due date, grace period (the interest-free period of time between when you make a purchase and when you pay for it), cash advance rates, transaction fees, the late fee, the over-the-limit fee and other charges.
Always read the card terms carefully before you apply.
Focus which credit terms and conditions is the best for You, this can add up to very respectable savings over a period of time.